Event Class Placement Critique
2008 North American Sieger Show Working Females V 9 Large, medium strong, good expression. Dry and firm. Good height to length proportions. High withers, firm back. Little bit short and steep croup. Correct chest proportions. Good forehand angulation, very good rear angulation. Correct front. Steps correct in front and rear. Drive should be a little bit more powerful and withers should stay a little higher in the movement.
2007 USA Sieger Show Working Females V 5 Large, medium strength, very expressive, very good pigmentation, dry and firm, correct structural proportions, high at the withers, straight back, long definitively sloping croup, very good angulations front and rear, good chest proportions, straight in front, moves straight going and coming, ground-covering gait.
2003 USA Sieger Show Senior Puppy (9-12 Months) Females VP 3 Large, strong, good secondary sex characteristics, good pigment and good mask. High withers, appealing topline, very good angulations. Normal chest proportions. Steps correct in front and rear. She shows good gaits with very good front reach and strong rear drive.
2003 North American Sieger Show Young Dog (18-24 Months) Females SG 5 A large and powerful bitch, outstanding construction, the croup is perhaps a bit steep, very good gait.