Event Class Placement Critique
2003 USA Sieger Show Working Males V 6 Large male, strong, full of expression and very good secondary sex characteristics, good withers, firm back and slightly sloping croup. Very good angulations, good front chest, underchest should be longer. Correct front, correct stepping, good gaits. Falls in movement on forehand.
2002 USA Sieger Show Working Males V 5 Large, medium strong, good withers, firm back, short croup. Upper arm must be more angulated, very good rearhand angulations. Straight front, elbows not closed. Very good gaits with excellent presentation.
2001 USA Sieger Show Working Males V 12 Above medium size, medium strength, definitely stretched, good secondary sex characteristics, the withers should have more definition, the croup should be longer, he has very good angulation and a ground-covering gait.
2001 North American Sieger Show Working Males V 2 Tall, strong, substantial. High withers. Straight back. Good length and position of the croup. Good rear angulation. Upper arm should be a little longer. Good movement. Pronounced - Outs