Event Class Placement Critique
2005 North American Sieger Show Adult Class 24 months or older Males SG 3 Large, medium strong, substantial, impressive head, very expressive, dark eyes, high withers, straight back, slightly short croup, upper arm should be longer and more angulated, very correct angulations of the hindquarters, straight front, powerful hindthrust, good frontreach, the back is very loose during the movements.
2002 North American Sieger Show Young Dog (18-24 Months) Males SG 8 Brother of the fourth dog in this class. Perhaps a little bit short, but very dry and firm. Good head, high wither, a little knick behind it. Croup and upper arm must be a little longer. Good angulation in the back with good muscles. Shows good movement with a good drive. Not in the optimal coat condition and therefore the under chest looks a little short.
2001 USA Sieger Show Junior Puppy (6-9 Months) Males VP 12 Large, strong, good pigment. High withers, strong back, short and steep croup. Good rear angulation, upper arm could be more slanted. Good chest proportions. Still gaits well. Dog falls on forehand during movement.