Event Class Placement Critique
2006 USA Sieger Show Working Males VA 3 Large, good bone strength, strong secondary sex characteristics, very good expression, very dry and firm, very good topline, long definitively sloping croup, very good angulation front and rear, correct front and under-chest development, straight front lines, moves almost straight going and coming, very dynamic powerful in the gaiting process with effective rear drive and free front reach.
2006 North American Sieger Show Working Males VA 4 Also a very expressive male with outstanding masculinity. This dog is also beautifully constructed, correct in the front and in the rear. He was presented extremely well and has an outstanding side gait.
2005 North American Sieger Show Working Males VA 6 Large, powerful and substantial, very good type, very good expression, good topline, good positioned, but slightly short croup, upper arm should be longer and more angulated, very good rear angulations, balanced chest proportions, good front, moves straight behind, elbows should be closer, demonstrates a good hindthrust, the frontreach should be freer and more balanced.
2003 North American Sieger Show Young Dog (18-24 Months) Males SG 1 He shows the typical range of a stud dog, very masculine with excellent bones, good size and is very powerful. Very good length to height proportions, already at this age he is firm. He has a very expressive, masculine head with a very good nose top and eye color. High wither but the croup is just a little bit short. Very good angulations front and rear, good chest proportions and is correct coming at your. He shows a far outreaching, powerful side gait and shows himself with a lot of pizzazz.