Event Class Placement Critique
2019 USCA Sieger Show Working Males VA7 Above medium-sized, medium-strength, good topline, long sloping croup, upper arm should be longer and more slanted, very good rear angulation, normal chest proportions, slightly east-west in front in stance as well as going and coming, slightly cow-hocked in the rear, good in gaiting.
2017 Bundessiegerzuchtschau in Ulm Youth Dog (12-18 Months) Males SG 43 A medium sized, medium strong, elongated male, who is type and expressive and very well pigmented. Good head, high withers, firm, straight back with accentuated sloping croup. Good forehand, very good hindquarters with firm hocks. Correct front, almost correct step sequence with already ample depth of chest. The movement sequence is very good, with powerful actions from the hindquarters the foreleg should be even more free.