Event Class Placement Critique
2017 USCA Sieger Show Working Males LSH V 1 Large, strong, stretched male full of substance, expressive with very good secondary sex characteristics, very good pigmentation, the back is firm and straight. The croup in good position is slightly sloping, very good rear angulation with good angulation in front, the chest depth is definitive. The pasterns root joints should be firmer. Although the front moves straight and the rear slightly narrower in striding, the gait shows very good ground-coverage. TSB pronounced - 4/4.
2016 Bundessiegerzuchtschau in Nürnberg Working Males LSH V 3 Grisu is a large, powerful and substantial, elongated male. Expressive with very good character, very well pigmented. The back is firm and straight, the croup of good length, slightly sloping. Very well angulated hindquarters and good angulation of the forehand, the depth of the chest is emphasized. Forefoot root joints should be even tighter. With a straight front and slightly tight stride sequence at the back, the gaits have very good space gain, was actively shown under different judges during the season and provided a group of offspring for the first time. TSB: pronounced, lets out.
2015 Bundessiegerzuchtschau in Nürnberg Working Males LSH V 6 Groß, knochenkräftig, gehaltvoll, stark pigmentiert, markanter, ausdrucksstarker Kopf mit ausgeprägter Maske und dunklem Auge, deutliche Haarstruktur. Gute Widerristbildung, betonte Rumpflänge, guter Kruppenverlauf, sehr gut gewinkelte Hinterhand mit auffallend breiten, kräftig bemuskelten Keulen, in der Vorhand gut gewinkelt, betonte Brusttiefe, gerader Unterarmverlauf, etwas nachgebender Vordermittelfuß, leicht hackeneng tretend, vorne etwas zehenweit tretend, sehr kraftvolle, sehr weiträumige Gänge. Grisu zeigte auf der polnischen Siegerschau eine ansprechende Nachkommengruppe. TSB: A: guter Transport B: reagiert sehr energisch, wirksamer voller Griff, überzeugend in der Belastung, direktes Ablassen, druckvolle Bewachung C: zielstrebiges Einholen, guter Griff, direktes Ablassen, in Bewachung noch druckvoller sein WZ(5/4 )
2014 Bundessiegerzuchtschau in Nürnberg Working Males LSH V 4 Grisu is large-framed, strong, elongated and very rich in content. Expressive with a very good imprint and intensively pigmented with a distinct coat. The back is firm and straight, the croup of good length, slightly sloping in position. Very well angulated hindquarters with tight joints, good angulation of the forehand, the depth of the chest is slightly emphasized. Pastern joints should be tighter with straight forearms. The gaits have good space gain in straight succession. TSB: A: attentive transport. B: goes through the attack safely and resolutely, shows an effective, full grip, captivates with pressure. C: walks purposefully into the helper, shows a full and firm grip, grabs once, banishes energetically WZ(5/4)
2013 Bundessiegerzuchtschau Youth Dog (12-18 Months) Males SG 4 Large-framed, stretched, rich in content male, expressive with very good character and intensive pigmentation as well as emphasized coat. The back is firm and straight, the croup is of very good length, but emphasized in the bearing. Pronounced angulations of the hindquarters, good angulations of the forehand. The chest proportions are age-appropriate and balanced. Straight forearms. Forefoot joints should be slightly tighter. Shows far reaching, very productive gaits with a lot of dynamics with firm joints.