Event |
Class |
Placement |
Critique |
2006 North American Sieger Show |
Young Dog (18-24 Months) Females |
SG 3 |
Also a medium sized bitch with a somewhat feminine expression, normal head, normal wither, strong back, and good length and positioning of the croup. The upper arm could be slightly more angulated. Very good rear angulation. Her pasterns should be somewhat firmer. The bitch shows a very good side gait. |
2005 North American Sieger Show |
Junior Puppy (6-9 Months) Females |
VP 1 |
Based on the age, correct size, very good type and expressive, very good bone structure, stretched, high withers, firm back, good croup, very good angulation, straight front, the female is confident during the whole presentation of the gaiting exercise, she demonstrates far reaching and ground covering movements. |