Event Class Placement Critique
2016 USCA Sieger Show Youth Dog (12-18 Months) Males SG 4 Above medium size, medium strength, very good length to height proportions, very good pigmentation, very good expression, high withers, somewhat short croup, somewhat short underchest, straight in front, good angulation in front, very good angulation in the rear, moves straight going and coming, effective rear drive, front reach could still be freer.
2015 USA Sieger Show Baby Puppy (4-6 Months) Males VP 1 Medium size, medium strength, already good proportions for his age, male head, high at the withers, very harmonious top and bottom line, very good rear angulation, good front angulation, already at this age balanced chest proportions, straight in front, moves slightly narrow in the rear, good ground covering gait.