Event Class Placement Critique
2017 USCA Sieger Show Working Females V 2 Above-medium sized, medium-strength, good expression, good pigmentation, good structural proportions, high withers, straight back, short, definitively sloping croup, correct angulation front and rear, balanced chest proportions, straight in front, moves straight in front, slightly cow-hocked in rear, shows harmonious far-reaching strides in gaiting with good carriage. - 3/3.
2015 GSDCA Universal Sieger Show Adult Class 24 months or older Females SG 1 It's a big female, with a very good proportion from height to length, nice head, high wither, straight back, good croup, good forechest, a little short underchest, correct front. Front angulation is good, hind angulation is very good. Very powerful movement with the best presentation.
2015 GSDCA Sieger Show Adult Class 24 months or older Females SG 3 A large female, strong, typy, very good proportions. High withers, strong back. Good croup. Underchest should be a little longer, good front and rear angulation, correct front. Correct coming and going, good movement. The handler with a little more experience next year will be perfect.