Event Class Placement Critique
2017 USCA Sieger Show Working Females LSH V 1 Large, medium-strength, good expression, good structural proportions, dry and firm, normal withers, straight back, croup should be longer, good angulation both front and rear, straight in front, balanced chest proportions, moves straight going and coming, shows good front reach, rear drive could be more effective in several phases. - 3/3.
2015 USA Sieger Show Adult Class 24 months or older Females LSH SG 2 Medium sized, strong full of substance, expressive, would be desirable to have a more definitive stop, high withers, straight back, quite a good length and position of the croup, good angulation in front, very good angulation in the rear, balanced chest proportions, tends towards east/west stance, dark eye, correct ear set, moves straight going and coming, fluid in movement, powerful rear drive, free front reach, tends to fall on the forehand.
2014 USA Sieger Show Youth Dog (12-18 Months) Females LSH SG 2 Above medium size, medium strong, typey and expressive female. Slight arch to the back, good position of the croup but could be longer. Good angulation in the front, vey good angulation in the rear. Moves slightly close from behind. Very good ground covering gait, but starts to fall slightly on the forehand.