Event Class Placement Critique
2016 USCA Sieger Show Working Males VA 5 Stands at the upper most size limit, with very good secondary sex characteristics, very good length to height proportions, high withers, straight back, long definitively sloping croup, balanced chest proportions, correct in front, upper arm has good length could be more slanted, correct angulation in the rear, lacking somewhat on the final firmness, good be firmer in the hocks, displays dynamic gait, effective rear drive, with very good transmission through the back, front reach could be somewhat freer.
2015 GSDCA Universal Sieger Show Working Males V 1 Big male, strong, very good proportion from height to length, big head, very good expression, masculine, high wither, straight and firm back, good croup, good chest proportion, correct front. Very good shoulders with a good upper arm, very good hind angulation. Free and powerful movement with a very good presentation.
2013 North American Sieger Show Senior Puppy (9-12 Months) Males VP 2 Over medium sized, medium strong dog. He has good pigment, he has in stand good topline. In the movement the back could be a little bit firmer, the croup is short and steep. He has good angulation front, very good in the rear, but the hocks could be a little bit firmer. He shows powerful hind thrust, and good front reach.