Event Class Placement Critique
2014 North American Sieger Show Working Males V 3 Number 425, a very large, substantial dog with a strong head. Very good topline, good front angulation and very good rear angulation. He moved up several places during the gaiting due to his dynamic presentation. Very strong rear drive and good front reach.
2013 USA Sieger Show Youth Dog (12-18 Months) Males SG 4 Large, medium-strength, expressive, good proportions, high at the withers, firm back, somewhat sloping croup, somewhat steep upper arm, very good angulation in the rear, upper arm should be more slanted, very good ground-covering gait.
2013 North American Sieger Show Young Dog (18-24 Months) Males SG 2 Large, medium strong male, is dry and firm. He has good topline, the croup is a little bit steep, and he has good angulation in front, very good in the rear. This dog moves straight coming and going, and shows powerful hind thrusts and good front reach.
2012 North American Sieger Show Junior Puppy (6-9 Months) Males VP 1 Big, strong and firm dog with a very big head, tight ears, very expressive, very good pigment. Not yet in the best form. High withers, very good top and underline. Good front and very good back angulation. In the movement he got better and better, and in the end he wins this class and presents himself very well.