Event Class Placement Critique
2015 USA Sieger Show Working Males VA 3 Large, strong, strong head, good secondary sex characteristics, very good type and expression, very good overall structural harmony, very good lines throughout, dry and firm, definitive withers, somewhat sloping croup, very good angulation front and rear, strong in gaiting, however slightly narrow in the rear.
2015 GSDCA Sieger Show Working Males VA 4 Father is Pakros d'Ulmental and mother also from Italy. This dog is over his edge, should be his last Sieger show. Large dog, well proportioned with a high wither, straight back, croup is slightly steep: well balanced chest proportions, coming and going is straight, good angulation in front, very good rear angulation. he shows also powerful gaiting with a good front reach.
2014 USA Sieger Show Working Males VA 2 Large, strong and substantial, very good overall structure, very good pigmentation, noteworthy black areas over the back, very good head proportions, correct ear-set, dark eyes, strong under jaw, high withers, straight firm back, normal length and position of the croup, good position of the upper arm, very good angulation in the rear, balanced chest proportions, correct front, moves straight going and coming, in gaiting good ground-coverage, very good presentation: a dog with a lot of charisma.
2013 North American Sieger Show Working Males VA 4 The dog bred in Italy. He is powerful, has a good head, has a good topline, the croup is short and steep. He has good angulation in the front, very good in the rear. He moves straight, and he shows very good gaiting.
2012 North American Sieger Show Working Males VA 5 A large powerful dog with very strong, male head, with a high withers. Very good top and underline, very good angulation. Could show slightly better front reach, very powerful rear reach. Also shows a nice presentation.
2011 Bundessiegerzuchtschau Young Dog (18-24 Months) Males SG 26 Large, powerful and full-bodied, strong character, type and expressive, very well pigmented male. Strong head, high withers, firm, straight back, long, pronounced sloping croup. The upper arm should be slightly sloping, emphasized angulation of hindquarters, straight front. The dog shows a fluid, space-creating gait with powerful supply and good forward movement. The hocks still have to firm up.