Event Class Placement Critique
2010 North American Sieger Show Working Females V 1 Over medium sized, medium strong, very good proportions. High withers, straight back, well positioned croup that should be slightly longer. Well balanced chest proportions. Good fore and under chest. Good angulations of fore and hindquarters, correct front, straight movement, sound gaiting, good reach. HD normal, ED noch zugelassen. Bite work: Pronounced, let out.
2009 North American Sieger Show Working Females VA 4 Over-medium-size, medium-strong. Has a very good top and under line, and correct angulation in the front and rear. She is dry and firm and shows free and fluent gaits.
2008 North American Sieger Show Young Dog (18-24 Months) Females SG 1 Large, medium strong, very good expression and pigmentation. Good height, to length proportions. Very good top and underline. Correct length and lay of the croup. Good forehand angulation, very good angulation in the rear. Correct front, steps correct in front, a bit narrow behind. Shows very good movement.