Event Class Placement Critique
2013 North American Sieger Show Working Females VA 7 A huge, pretty feminine female, with high withers, and especially in the stand very, very good looking female. She has a very good topline with high withers, a little falling croup, and very good angulation and proportions. Mostly she could in the fast laps, present herself a little better. In the normal speed it was okay. I decided of her appearance to put her in the VA.
2013 Bundessiegerzuchtschau Working Females V 49 A large, strong bitch, standing in good building conditions. She has a high withers, firm back and a good croup position. The upper arm should be sloping. The hindquarters are very well angulated. Balanced chest and straight walk. With good supply the forefront should be freer. TSB: A: Breaks through on the 1st approach, must then walk more cleanly on foot. B: Very good attack, very good grip, releases well, safe guarding. C: Assistants start more safely, good grip, slightly hesitant release, powerful guarding. WZ(3/3).