Event Class Placement Critique
2014 USA Sieger Show Working Males VA 1 Large, strong, substantial, very good muscle-tone, very good expression, very good pigmentation, noteworthy black areas over the head and back, very good head proportions, correct ear-set, dark eyes, strong under jaw, high withers, harmonious flowing topline, normal length and position of the croup, very good forehand structure, very good angulation in the rear, balanced chest proportions, correct front, well-balanced in gaiting, very good ground-coverage, very good presentation.
2013 Bundessiegerzuchtschau Working Males EZ TSB: A: Very good transport. B: goes well through the attack, shows a firm, calm and full grip and powerful guarding phases. C: Goes purposefully through the attack, shows a calm, firm and full grip and pressureful and attentive guarding phases. WZ(5/5).
2012 Bundessiegerzuchtschau Working Males VA 2 This year, the vice winner presents himself mature and in excellent condition. Nino is an especially type and expressive male. He is large, powerful and full-bodied, as well as built in the right height and length ratio. He has a high withers, a firm and straight back with a following long, somewhat inclined croup. He is very well angulated in the fore and hindquarters. The chest proportions are harmonious. His front lines are correct. The stride sequence is straight in front and slightly tight at the back. At best presentation Nino shows a very space-creating gait with free forefront and very powerful supply. Altogether a particularly harmoniously built male with much charisma. Nino leads in the sire line "Baru von Haus Yü" and maternal in the 3rd generation the winner "Yasko vom Farbenspiel" and is far inbred to "Eros von der Luisenstraße". So he is also open for all the more common bloodlines. He has his second group of offspring and has 8 offspring among the best 25 of each class. It is to be assumed that Nino will be used for breeding in the long term. TSB: A: Goes very attentive and concentrated to the hiding place, but is easy to handle. B: Goes safely through the attack, full, firm grip, self-confident in the stress phase. Separate a little more clearly at HZ. Guards very attentively and with pressure. C: Pursues quickly and determinedly, goes very well through the attack, very good grip, confident in the stress phase. Separate somewhat more clearly, very good guarded. WZ 3/4.
2011 Bundessiegerzuchtschau Working Males VA 5 The runner-up in the young dog class of 2009 was already awarded the highest rating VA in 2010. Nino is a big, powerful, full-bodied and very expressive male. He has a high withers, straight back and a long croup, which should be slightly less inclined. Very good hindquarters - lung, whereby the hocks should be a little firmer. Good angulation of the forehand, balanced chest, the front is correct. Tight in the back and straight in the front, showing effective supply and free forward movement. Nino shows fluent movements with very good presentation. Except for "Baru Haus Yü" he is free from all other frequent sire lines, so he is still suitable for broadening the blood base. From his relatively large offspring group presented at the earliest possible time, 40% of the presented animals could place themselves in the best groups of the individual classes at the first go. TSB: A: Very good transport with much attention to the hiding place. B: Attacks safely, shows very self-confident in the loading phase with very good grip behaviour, quick release with powerful guarding. Grasps when the dog handler approaches. C: Goes safely through the attack, safe in the loading phase with a full firm grip. Releases immediately and guards very attentively and powerfully. WZ (4/4).
2010 Bundessiegerzuchtschau Working Males VA 11 The vice best in the young dog class of 2009 is a big, powerful, rich in content and very expressive male. He has a high withers, straight back and a long croup which should be slightly less inclined. Very good hindquarters angulation, whereby the hocks should be a little firmer. Good forehand angulation, balanced chest, the front is correct. Tight in the back and straight in the front, showing effective supply and free forward movement. Nino shows fluent movements with very good presentation. Except for "Baru Haus Yü" he is free from all other frequent sire lines, so that he is also suitable for broadening the blood base.
2009 Bundessiegerzuchtschau Young Dog (18-24 Months) Males SG 2 Also this male dog, which attracted attention in the run-up to the Bundessiegerzuchtschau, could improve his impressions until the Bundessiegerzuchtschau. He is presented in a top condition. His interestingly arranged pedigree also lets assume and hope that he can and will continue his sire line positively. In this class a full brother (SG 88 Niklas Tronje), who is in the same type, was also presented. Nino is a very well pigmented, big, powerful and substantial male with good character and expression. He has a high, long withers, straight, firm back with good length and position of the croup. Very good angles and chest proportions, with correct front, enable him to have fluid, ground covering gaits with correct following. However, it cannot be overlooked that he could be a bit fresher now and then or at times. But this does not cloud the very positive overall impression.