All Progeny of Selected Sire or Dam in the database are displayed.
Progency are displayed from oldest to youngest.

Because of the size of the table you must use the scroll bar to scroll to the right to see all information. The name of the Dog will remain fixed on the left hand side.

Dog Dam DOB
Country of
Sex Color Coat AKC Reg SV Reg USCA Reg CKC Reg FCI Reg Show
Hips Elbows LUW OCD Titles Breed
Dog Dam DOB
Country of
Sex Color Coat AKC Reg SV Reg USCA Reg CKC Reg FCI Reg Show
Hips Elbows LUW OCD Titles Breed
Joaqin Mischaland's Jette Mischaland's 0000-00-00 Male Stock SZ 2193750 a Ausland a normal
Inouk von Aducht Brenda von Aducht 2003-04-20 Germany Female Stock SZ 2133433 SG
Ischa von Aducht Brenda von Aducht 2003-04-20 Female Stock SZ 2133436 a nearly normal
Galaxis zur Worringer Rheinaue Quana vom Pleystrang 2003-06-03 Female Stock SZ 2126767 a normal SchH1
Grappa zur Worringer Rheinaue Quana vom Pleystrang 2003-06-03 Female Stock SZ 2126770 a normal
Arko vom Butjenter Land Rieke vom Butjenter Land 2003-06-04 Germany Male black, red Stock SZ 2127951 VA a nearly normal a normal SchH3 Kkl1 Lbz
Zamba van Noort Junette van Noort 2003-06-10 Female Stock SZ 2128295 a Ausland
Ultra du Domaine des Flandres Othalie du Domaine des Flandres 2003-06-24 Female Stock SZ 9132349 a Ausland a normal
Jamie vom Fiemereck Fina vom Twelsiek 2003-07-16 Germany Female Stock SZ 2127143 SG a nearly normal a normal
Mad Maxx vom Wolf's Canyon Hera vom Wolf's Canyon 2003-08-16 Germany Male Stock DN19294201 SZ 2133165 V a nearly normal a nearly normal SchH3,IPO3 Kkl1 Lbz
Lorenz vom Fiemereck Juanita vom Fiemereck 2003-09-22 Germany Male Stock SZ 2131273 V a normal
Wotan vom Tollesestrand Jolly von der Freiheit Westerholt 2003-10-10 Germany Male Stock SZ 2133364 SG a normal SchH2 Kkl1
Uxane v. Haus Thalie Roxane du Val D'Anzin 2003-11-11 Female Stock SZ 9144142 a Ausland a normal
Superioue's Zarah Extasy Superioue's 2003-12-29 Female Stock SZ 9149051 V SchH1 Kkl1
Vourasie du Val D'Anzin Tabata du Val D'Anzin 2004-01-13 Female Stock SZ 2176408 a Ausland a still permitted
Zorro vom Suentelstein Daffie vom Suentelstein 2004-02-01 Germany Male Stock DN10965701 SZ 2142317 VP a normal
Monza zur Worringer Rheinaue Barbie zur Worringer Rheinaue 2004-07-20 Female Stock SZ 2147926 a normal a normal
Shooting Star Elvis der Konig Shooting Star Anya 2004-11-24 United States Male Stock DN09987704 SG
Shooting Star Eros Shooting Star Anya 2004-11-24 United States Male Stock DN09987702 SG
Xtra von Tronje Rimini von Tronje 2004-12-24 Female Stock SZ 2157046 a Ausland a nearly normal
Zafer vom Fredebach Vicky vom Klebinger Schloß 2005-02-16 Germany Male Stock SZ 2160638 V a normal a normal SchH3,IP3 Kkl1
Grips von Arlett Yenny von Arlett 2006-04-09 Male Stock SZ 2180479 SG a normal a normal
Indiana von Arlett Wonjia von Aducht 2006-05-25 Germany Female Stock SZ 2191565 V a nearly normal a normal SchH1 Kkl1 Lbz