All Progeny of Selected Sire or Dam in the database are displayed.
Progency are displayed from oldest to youngest.

Because of the size of the table you must use the scroll bar to scroll to the right to see all information. The name of the Dog will remain fixed on the left hand side.

Dog Dam DOB
Country of
Sex Color Coat AKC Reg SV Reg USCA Reg CKC Reg FCI Reg Show
Hips Elbows LUW OCD Titles Breed
Dog Dam DOB
Country of
Sex Color Coat AKC Reg SV Reg USCA Reg CKC Reg FCI Reg Show
Hips Elbows LUW OCD Titles Breed
Angus vom Falkenhaus Jessica von Salerno 2005-01-22 United States Male Stock DN10314503 SZ 9149599 V OFA Fair a nearly normal
Aurora vom Falkenhaus Jessica von Salerno 2005-01-22 United States Female Stock DN10314502 VP
Kaytra vom Hubbard Zombi von Tronje 2005-02-02 United States Female Stock DN10127401 SG
Lacy vom Hubbard Berrie Holly vom Hubbard 2005-04-07 United States Female Stock DN11686203 V
Mace vom Hubbard Milli vom Lachenerweg 2005-06-04 United States Male Stock DN11551901 SZ 9139456 V a still permitted a normal SchH3 Kkl1
Madison vom Hubbard Milli vom Lachenerweg 2005-06-04 United States Female Stock DN11551906 SG
Merrick vom Hubbard Milli vom Lachenerweg 2005-06-04 United States Male Stock DN11551905 VP
Brix vom Hubbard Cena vom Hubbard 2005-06-16 United States Male Stock DN11686402 SG
Danika vom Adelhertz Valley vom Farbenspiel 2005-07-16 United States Female Stock DN11873003 SG
Dusti vom Adelhertz Valley vom Farbenspiel 2005-07-16 United States Female Stock DN11873006 VP
Odessa vom Hubbard Vina von Bad-Boll 2005-09-06 United States Female Stock VP
Orren vom Hubbard Vina vom Lechtal 2005-09-06 United States Male Stock P
Jazzie von Salerno Gianna von Salerno 2005-10-30 United States Female Stock DN12755506 VP
Jewels von Salerno Gianna von Salerno 2005-10-30 United States Female Stock DN12755507 SZ 9143530 V a normal
Daggi vom Manahaus Gina von Leaa 2006-07-10 Female Stock DN15231601 VP
Doro von der Manahaus Gina von Leaa 2006-07-10 Male Stock DN15231604 VP
Tristan von der Manahaus Gina v Lepeaa 2006-07-10 Male Stock DN15231602 SG
Thor vom Hubbard Rayna von Salerno 2006-08-29 United States Male Stock DN15558201 VP
Dari von Salerno Ulema von Salerno 2006-09-16 United States Female Stock DN15771502 SZ 9146933 SG a normal a normal
Elizabeth von Salerno Jule vom Blumenkamp 2006-11-06 Female Stock DN16323108
Fina von Salerno Fanny vom Stoppelberger Wald 2006-12-08 United States Female Stock SZ 9147035 SG a normal a normal
Molly vom Paukenschlag Fanny vom Stoppelberger Wald 2006-12-08 Female Stock DN16560605 SZ 9149893 V a normal a normal SchH1
Onyx von Salerno Gianna von Salerno 2007-05-14 United States Female Stock SG
Yaschi vom Hubbard Dannie von der kleinen Birke 2007-05-28 United States Female Stock DN18411106 V
Yuma vom Hubbard Dannie von der kleinen Birke 2007-05-28 United States Male Stock DN18411103 VP