Total Number of Progeny:  5      
Click on the name of a Progeny to view detail information
Organization Event Class Placement Judge
Nela vom Patiala
USA 2009 Menlo Park Schutzhund Club Conformation Show Youth Dog (12-18 Months) Females SG 6 Wilfried Scheld
Nessie vom Patiala
WDA 2011 Working German Shepherd Dog Club of East Conn Conformation Show Working Females SG 2 Dieter Oeser
Ozzy vom Patiala
USA 2010 Menlo Park Schutzhund Club Conformation Show Youth Dog (12-18 Months) Males SG 3 Wilhelm Nordsieck
Phyre vom Patiala
GSSCC 2013 Eastern Regional Conformation Show Working Females G 1 Peter Arth
USA 2015 New England Regional Conformation Show Working Females G 1 Franz Kampenhuber
Pia vom Patiala
USA 2012 Northwestern Regional Conformation Show_USCA Working Females SG 1 Wilfried Scheld