DISCLAIMER - Information may not be 100% complete based upon what could be found!
If additional titles were earned, please send proof to cmandela@aol.com and they will be added.

Placements are indicated for International, National and Regional Events Only!

Organization Date
Event Attempt Score A B C TSB Note Place Judge Year
USA 10/26/2019 2019 Mid Iowa Working Dogs Trial 2 IGP3 238 84 78 76 P G 0 Al Govednik 2019
USA 10/26/2019 2019 Mid Iowa Working Dogs Trial 2 FH1 90 90 SG 0 Al Govednik 2019
USA 09/28/2019 2019 Mid-Central Regional Championship IGP3 256 90 78 88 P G 6 Don Yelle 2019
USA 10/07/2018 2018 Iowa Hundesport Club-Regional Trial IPO3 -- DQ Bit Helper Ribs 0 Robin Ayling, Chris D. Thompson 2018
USA 08/24/2018 2018 Mid Iowa Working Dogs Trial 2 IPO2 270 91 91 88 P SG 0 Debra Krsnich 2018
USA 06/02/2018 2018 Mid Iowa Working Dogs Trial 1 IPO2 -- DQ Out of Control 0 Ann Marie Chaffin 2018
USA 10/14/2017 2017 Mid Iowa Working Dogs Trial IPO1 261 90 79 92 P G 0 Ernest Hintz 2017