Event Class Placement Critique
2002 North American Sieger Show Young Dog (18-24 Months) Females SG 8 Expressive bitch, she is also dry and firm. Again she too is at the very limit of the rear angulation. Normal angulation in the front, but because of the strong rear angulation, she is not completely firm in the hocks going away. Very good side gait.
2001 USA Sieger Show Junior Puppy (6-9 Months) Females VP 13 Good secondary sex characteristics, good firmness, croup and upper arm could be longer, very good rear angulation, good in gaiting.
2001 North American Sieger Show Youth Dog (12-18 Months) Females SG 5 Medium sized, medium powerful, good body proportions, good top line and underline, well angulated in front, very well angulated in the rear. Normal chest proportions. Very full, outreaching side gait.