Event Class Placement Critique
2004 USA Sieger Show Young Dog (18-24 Months) Males SG 5 Over medium size, medium strong, substantial, remarkably stretched male with very good pigment and a very expressive head. Good top-line and croup. Very good angulations in front and rear, chest should not get deeper. Pasterns could be more firm, straight front, hocks are not completely firm. Free ground covering gait but gets a little bit flat. Slightly hooked tail.
2004 North American Sieger Show Young Dog (18-24 Months) Males SG 4 Large, masculine, very good expression, normal withers, firm back, well positioned croup, very good front and rear angulation, balanced chest proportions, front is correct, noticeably narrow in the hocks. Powerful far-reaching movement, ears should be more firm during movement.