Event Class Placement Critique
2016 GSDCA Sieger Show Working Females V 11 Upper medium size, high withers, harmonious upper and under lines, good length of croup, good fore and hind angulations, good forechest, correct front, very good movement.
2014 North American Sieger Show Young Dog (18-24 Months) Females SG 3 Catalog number 230, a large female with lots of expression and pigment. Harmonious topline, high withers, not quite firm in the back. The croup is somewhat steep. She has good front angulation and very good rear. Also on this dog the underline is somewhat short and steep. She shows good rear drive. She could be a little freer in the front reach.
2013 North American Sieger Show Baby Puppy (3-6 Months) Females VP 6 The ears could be a little bit tighter, but never forget in which age we are in at this moment. She is stretched a little, more stretched than she should be, so the tightness in all especially in the middle during the gaiting, could be a little bit better. But, we are in a young age, and the development will show with her good training. A very nice, and good, promising dog.