Event Class Placement Critique
2002 USA Sieger Show Working Females VA 5 Large, medium strong, typey, high withers, straight back, good length and position of the croup, very good angulations, good chest proportions, straight front, moves straight, very good gaits with lots of ground covering.
2001 USA Sieger Show Youth Dog (12-18 Months) Females SG 2 Large, typey, very good secondary sex characteristics, very good at the withers, firm back, very good angulation, croup should be somewhat longer, ground-covering gait.
2001 North American Sieger Show Young Dog (18-24 Months) Females SG 1 Above medium size, expressive, very good topline and underline. High withers, form back, good croup position. Good angulation and chest development. Very good outreaching side gait.