Event Class Placement Critique
2004 USA Sieger Show Working Males V 23 Large, medium strong, markedly stretched male with good pigment, a strong head, but the under jaw should be stronger. Normal withers, good croup, The long upper arm should be more slanted, rear-hand has good angulation, good chest proportions. Front is not completely straight, pasterns should be more firm. Hocks are not firm elbows not completely firm, far reaching gait.
2004 North American Sieger Show Working Males V 24 Large, pronounced stretched, expressive male, normal withers, firm back, well positioned croup, good front and rear angulation, elbows are not quite closed, normal front, normal far-reaching movement.
2001 USA Sieger Show Young Dog (18-24 Months) Males SG 10 Large, medium strong male. High withers, firm back, short and steep croup. Good front angulation and very good rear angulation. Good chest proportions, straight front. Elbows not completely closed, pasterns could be more firm. Hocks not completely firm. Still gaits well.