Event Class Placement Critique
2014 North American Sieger Show Working Males VA 4 This is Negus vom Frankengold. He also received the VA rating last year. A substantial male with good secondary sex characteristics, high withers, good topline, and a markedly sloping croup. The angulation is good in the front and very good in the rear. He goes straight when viewed from behind. The elbows could be a little more closed in the front. Very good rear drive, and good front reach.
2013 North American Sieger Show Working Males VA 5 He was in the German Sieger Show V29 or 28. In the normal movement, the dog looks very nice from the side picture, but without the leash should be getting better. He has a good topline, has good angulation in the front, very good in the rear. And, the pasterns could be a little bit firmer, and he shows good gaiting.
2013 Bundessiegerzuchtschau Working Males V 28 Oversized, medium strong, substantial male with good building conditions. Well formed withers, firm back and long, slightly sloping croup. The forehand is good, the hindquarters are very well angulated and show firm joints. Well balanced chest, the elbows should be slightly more closed. Standing and walking slightly toe-wide in the forehand. In the back straight step and step sequences. The gait is springy, swinging, even and productive in gaining space. TSB: A: Show transport in a leading manner. B: Walk a little more directly through the attack, showing a firm, full grip, a little more powerful. C: go through safely, set the firm grip a bit fuller and banish more forcefully in the beginning. WZ(4/4).
2012 USA Sieger Show Working Males VA 2 Above medium-sized, medium bone strength, slightly more stretched, wonderful head and expression, absolute correct topline, very good angulation in the front, very good angulation in the rear, good chest development, correct in front, hocks need to be a bit firmer as well as the pasterns, also a wonderful dog.
2012 North American Sieger Show Working Males VA 3 A strong, powerful dog with a very large, strong head, high wither, slightly stretched, good croup, good front angulation, very good rear angulation. And the whole time in the movement shows very nice gaiting.
2011 North American Sieger Show Young Dog (18-24 Months) Males SG 1 Large, medium strong, very good type, high withers, good length and position of croup, rear hocks very tight and front straight moving when coming and going, very good movement.
2011 Bundessiegerzuchtschau Young Dog (18-24 Months) Males SG 32 The litter brother of Naxos, who was awarded SG 14, is of medium size, medium strength, expressive, full-bodied, dry and firm, and has a slight extension of the body. Strong, expressive head, high withers, firm, straight back, a slightly short, slightly sloping croup, balanced chest. The upper arm should be slightly sloping, very good angulation of hindquarters, straight front, straight stride. The male shows very good gait, with powerful supply and good forward movement. The male dog is unfortunately not presented in the best hair setting.