All Progeny of Selected Sire or Dam in the database are displayed.
Progency are displayed from oldest to youngest.

Because of the size of the table you must use the scroll bar to scroll to the right to see all information. The name of the Dog will remain fixed on the left hand side.

Dog Sire DOB
Country of
Sex Color Coat AKC Reg SV Reg USCA Reg CKC Reg FCI Reg Show
Hips Elbows Titles Breed
Dog Sire DOB
Country of
Sex Color Coat AKC Reg SV Reg USCA Reg CKC Reg FCI Reg Show
Hips Elbows Titles Breed
Kolett vom Posthorn Arek vom Stoffelblick 1989-04-27 Female Stock SZ 1750451 a normal
Kosi vom Posthorn Arek vom Stoffelblick 1989-04-27 Female Stock SZ 1750452 a normal
Maggie vom Posthorn Boss von der Maineiche 1990-09-18 Female Stock SZ 1783824 a normal
Nane vom Posthorn Marc vom Herkulesblick 1991-09-19 Female Stock SZ 1817091 a normal