All Progeny of Selected Sire or Dam in the database are displayed.
Progency are displayed from oldest to youngest.

Because of the size of the table you must use the scroll bar to scroll to the right to see all information. The name of the Dog will remain fixed on the left hand side.

Dog Dam DOB
Country of
Sex Color Coat AKC Reg SV Reg USCA Reg CKC Reg FCI Reg Show
Hips Elbows Titles Breed
Dog Dam DOB
Country of
Sex Color Coat AKC Reg SV Reg USCA Reg CKC Reg FCI Reg Show
Hips Elbows Titles Breed
Ingodds Hollis Ingodds Azisse 1995-08-16 Female Stock SZ 9103882 N 19304/95 a Ausland SchH1 Kkl1
Xenia von der Neuen Welt Yola vom Haus Hakatherm 1996-05-01 United States Female Stock DL63606403 SZ 8010620 a normal SchH2 Kkl1
Jazz v. Steffen Haus Ilona von der Burg Reichenstein 1997-01-18 Female Stock SZ 8011430 a Ausland
Aretha vom Haus Acton Dante von der Urbecke 1997-08-10 United States Female Stock SZ 8009073 V a normal SchH1 Kkl1 2002-2003
Xitta vom Olympus Prima v. Steffen Haus 1998-02-26 Female Stock DL72947902 SZ 8016087 a still permitted
Jalk vom St-Michaels-Berg Kandie von der Strothheide 2005-06-16 Male Stock SZ 2165547 SG a normal a normal
Megan von der Noriswand Xantia von der Noriswand 2005-08-09 Germany Female Stock SZ 2170505 VP
Florina von Gloria dei Daisy von Gloria dei 2005-08-26 Germany Female Stock DN22399801 SZ 2169090 SG a normal a normal
Mendy von Premutia Bonnie von Premutia 2005-09-01 Germany Female black, red Stock DN28625701 SZ 2165838 VA a normal a normal SchH3 Kkl1 Lbz
Ophra von Melanchthon Zana von Melanchthon 2005-10-08 Germany Female Stock SZ 2171385 a nearly normal a normal
Caytie von Fidelius Heavenly v. Mirzslot 2005-11-10 Germany Female Stock SZ 2175381 P
Diva von der Barker Heide Skeidar's Daju 2006-02-18 Germany Female Stock SZ 2178073 a normal a normal SchH1 Kkl1
Cindy vom Murrtal Zwinger Simba vom Westervenn 2006-04-16 Germany Female Stock DN25989801 SZ 2187647 SG
Octavio vom Hasenborn Gittara von der Fichtenspitze 2006-05-16 Germany Male Stock SZ 2182752 SG a normal a normal
Denni vom Murrtal Zwinger Bess vom Murrtal 2006-05-28 Germany Female Stock SZ 2182538 V a normal a nearly normal SchH2 Kkl1 Lbz
International von Ducati Olga von Rapicar 2006-07-09 Female Stock SZ 2186188 SG a normal a normal
Ritzy von der Kahler Heide Candy vom Heveling 2006-08-01 Germany Female Stock SZ 2188627 SG a severe HD a medium ED
Janka von Wittenberge Mickie von der Kahler Heide 2006-11-27 Female Stock DN20207201 SZ 9153262 SG a normal
Jetta von Wittenberge II Mickie von der Kahler Heide 2006-11-27 Female Stock DN20207203 OFA Good
Hanna vom Valkyre Foxina vom Bramberg 2007-02-09 Female Stock SZ 9151002 SG a normal a normal
Wandy vom Hauswalder Bach Jade vom Hauswalder Bach 2007-04-05 Female Stock SZ 2199544 V a normal a normal SchH1 Kkl1