All Progeny of Selected Sire or Dam in the database are displayed.
Progency are displayed from oldest to youngest.

Because of the size of the table you must use the scroll bar to scroll to the right to see all information. The name of the Dog will remain fixed on the left hand side.

Dog Dam DOB
Country of
Sex Color Coat AKC Reg SV Reg USCA Reg CKC Reg FCI Reg Show
Hips Elbows Titles Breed
Dog Dam DOB
Country of
Sex Color Coat AKC Reg SV Reg USCA Reg CKC Reg FCI Reg Show
Hips Elbows Titles Breed
Malibu von der Westküste Mandy vom Holtkämper Hof 2010-10-05 United States Female Stock DN29018307 V a nearly normal a normal IPO2 Kkl1 Lbz
Logan von der Westküste Rubie vom Tal der Sterne 2010-11-20 United States Male Stock VP
Verena vom Valkyre Janna vom Valkyre 2011-03-23 United States Female Stock DN30252203 a normal a normal
Kona vom Paukenschlag Vita vom Kirschental 2011-04-17 Female Stock SZ 9170211 V a normal a normal IPO1 Kkl1 2015-2016
Merlot vom Paukenschlag Kessy vom Buschteich 2011-07-28 Female Stock DN31647008 SZ 9170419 SG a normal a normal
Tyra von der Westküste Vita vom Kirschental 2011-11-14 United States Female Stock DN32261401 SG
Anna aus dem Eiche Wald Sissy vom Paukenschlag 2012-05-31 Female Stock DN33974001 SG
C-Niko von der Westküste Dayka vom Beeketal 2013-03-05 Male Stock DN35934601 VP
Ipolani von der Westkuste Karma vom Hattorfer-Land 2013-09-19 United States Female black, red Stock DN37733203 V OFA Fair OFA Normal IGP1 Kkl Lbz
War Cry's Fire and Grace of Typecast War Crys' Zenyatta 2013-09-24 United States Female Stock DN37693602 OFA Good OFA Normal