All Progeny of Selected Sire or Dam in the database are displayed.
Progency are displayed from oldest to youngest.

Because of the size of the table you must use the scroll bar to scroll to the right to see all information. The name of the Dog will remain fixed on the left hand side.

Dog Dam DOB
Country of
Sex Color Coat AKC Reg SV Reg USCA Reg CKC Reg FCI Reg Show
Hips Elbows Titles Breed
Dog Dam DOB
Country of
Sex Color Coat AKC Reg SV Reg USCA Reg CKC Reg FCI Reg Show
Hips Elbows Titles Breed
Rastor vom Hülsbach Antje vom Hülsbergtal 1982-09-30 Male Stock SZ 1572643 a nearly normal
Quant von Adeloga Jule von der Herrnweide 1982-11-10 Male Stock SZ 1572501 a normal
Zaffo von Arminius Sana von Arminius 1982-11-22 Germany Male Stock SZ 1583179 V a normal SchH3,IPO3,FH Kkl1
Ines vom Koppenbrünnele Liss vom Sandbachdamm 1983-02-14 Female Stock SZ 1578580 a normal
Eva von der Bärenschlucht Kelli von der Kaiserperle 1983-03-04 Germany Female Stock SZ 1583343 a normal SchH1
Zorro vom Lärchenhain Fina vom Badsee 1983-03-14 Male Stock SZ 1581345 V a still permitted SchH3
Nando vom Klaberkamp Lissy Sennerblut 1983-03-18 Male Stock SZ 1581819 a still permitted
Odin vom Glockenbrink Janka vom Glockenbrink 1983-05-01 Male Stock SZ 1587113 a normal
Winni von Rodenbeck Asia von Amicos 1983-06-16 Female Stock SZ 1591387 a normal
Vevi vom Farbenspiel Yessa vom Farbenspiel 1983-07-03 Female Stock SZ 1591849 a normal