Total Number of Progeny:  3      
Click on the name of a Progeny to view detail information
Organization Event Class Placement Judge
Coco vom Haus Iskander
GSSCC 2011 Canadian Sieger Show Junior Puppy (6-9 Months) Females VP 6 Margit van Dorssen
GSSCC 2012 Ontario Regional Conformation Show Youth Dog (12-18 Months) Females SG 6 Johannes Grewe
Gigi vom Haus Iskander
USA 2014 Alamo Working Dog Club Conformation Show Youth Dog (12-18 Months) Females SG 1 Johannes Grewe
Romina vom Haus Iskander
SV 2016 LG18 - Greifenhain -Am Hochzeitspalast- Senior Puppy (9-12 Months) Females VP 1 Hans-Peter Schweimer
SV 2016 LG17 - An der Waldaue Youth Dog (12-18 Months) Females SG 4 Ralf Willie
SV 2016 LG19 - Freyburg Youth Dog (12-18 Months) Females SG 1 Torsten Kallenbach
SV 2016 LG03 - Walkenried/Südharz Youth Dog (12-18 Months) Females SG 1 Klaus Gothe
SV 2017 LG19 - Goymanns-Höhe Young Dog (18-24 Months) Females SG 1 Jürgen Hoffmann