DISCLAIMER - Information may not be 100% complete based upon what could be found!
If additional titles were earned, please send proof to cmandela@aol.com and they will be added.

Placements are indicated for International, National and Regional Events Only!

Organization Date
Event Attempt Score A B C TSB Note Place Judge Year
12/02/2016 2016 Moers (ADRK) IPO3 227 74 72 81 B 0 Heinz Böskens 2016
11/25/2016 2016 Kleve-Uedem (VDH) IPO2 232 74 75 83 B 0 Thomas Wenig 2016
SV 10/29/2016 2016 Lugau AD Pass 0 Jürgen Beyer 2016
SV 09/24/2016 2016 Teurow 99 IPO1 223 72 71 80 B 0 Holger Eller 2016
SV 06/18/2016 2016 Holzbachtal. Sitz Linkenbach IPO1 -- 76 73 81 B-Invalid 0 Reinhard Dieter Schwarz 2016
SV 06/11/2016 2016 Hadamar e.V. BH Pass 0 Holger Eller 2016