DISCLAIMER - Information may not be 100% complete based upon what could be found!
If additional titles were earned, please send proof to cmandela@aol.com and they will be added.

Placements are indicated for International, National and Regional Events Only!

Organization Date
Event Attempt Score A B C TSB Note Place Judge Year
GSDCA 11/05/2016 2016 Big Timber IPO/Working Dog Club Trial FH1 86 86 0 Michael West 2016
GSDCA 04/22/2016 2016 GSDCA Midwest Regional Trial IPO3 258 96 72 90 G 1 Bogdan Sergo 2016
GSDCA 05/01/2015 2015 GSDCA IPO3/FH Championship IPO3 DQ 82 45 DQ M 0 Lajos Földvari, Michael West 2015
GSDCA 04/11/2015 2015 Bur Oak Hundesport Trial 1 IPO3 260 88 79 93 a G 0 Michael West 2015
WDA 03/28/2015 2015 Tri-City Schutzhund Verein Trial IPO2 236 78 78 80 a B 0 Klaus Schukraft 2015
WDA 03/13/2015 2015 Universal Hundesport Trial IPO2 244 89 63 92 a M 0 Wendell Nope 2015
WDA 11/01/2014 2014 Bur Oak Hundesport Club Trial IPO2 -- 84 82 0 a M 0 Michael West 2014
GSDCA 09/26/2014 2014 Orange County Schaeferhunde Klub Club Trial IPO2 -- 93 50 90 M 0 Helmut König 2014
WDA 06/20/2014 2014 Regional IPO Championship TR2 80 80 G 0 Jürgen Heß 2014
WDA 03/29/2014 2014 Volunteer Schutzhund Club Trial IPO2 DQ 91 DQ 0 Doug Alexander 2014
WDA 03/14/2014 2014 Full Grip Schutzhund Club Trial IPO2 -- 78 16 0 M 0 Michael West 2014
USA 03/07/2014 2014 Gulf Coast SchH Club Ft. Meyers Inc. Trial BH Pass 0 Helmut König 2014
USA 03/07/2014 2014 Gulf Coast SchH Club Ft. Meyers Inc. Trial IPO1 247 85 72 90 G 0 Helmut König 2014
WDA 11/22/2013 2013 Bur Oak Hundesport Trial AD Pass 0 Inge Balonier 2013
WDA 11/22/2013 2013 Bur Oak Hundesport Trial BH DQ 0 Inge Balonier 2013